2014 Garden Updates: June 6th

Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans
Kentucky wonder pole beans

Spearmint – Do any plant experts know why some of the leaves have turned purple/ red? The most likely explanation I could find was that they were in a small container for too long before being transplanted into the raised bed.

Broccoli leaves


Tomato plants
Tomato plants – these are Carolina Gold

A quick garden update from this week- everything that is going in the raised bed this year has been sown and sprouted or transplanted! Most of the plants are doing really well, although a few of the smaller bell peppers and tomatoes are looking a bit worse for wear after transplant. After a few good rains this week, though, they seem to be on the mend, so I’ve got high hopes. I’ve also got lots of herbs and salad greens in planters up on the deck.

What have you been working on in your garden this week? Are any of you lucky enough to be harvesting already?

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