December, in snow.











I took a few photos when we took the dogs for a walk last week, and it just happened to be the first major snowfall of the year! It’s been slowly melting over the last few days, but I’m still holding out hope for a white Christmas.

If you haven’t seen the video I shot during the same walk, you can see it here (and thank you for all of your lovely comments!). And if you want to see more photos from this same conservation area during all sorts of weather and seasons, they’re all here.

Hoping you all had a lovely weekend!

A Winter Walk.

I’ve seen some really lovely videos made by bloggers lately (Liesl’s are some of my favourites), so I decided to give it a try. I took a couple of clips on our walk today, since it seems to be the first significant snowfall of the year! The music in the video is White Winter Hymnal by Birdy.

I’d love your feedback- how do you like seeing videos along with photos?

Also- I’m having my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow morning so I’ll be away for a few days. Hopefully I’ll be back very soon!

November in snow.











When I was visiting my parents last weekend, we got our first proper snowstorm of the year! It’s actually stayed pretty cold since, and there’s been some more snow, so it looks quite lovely outside. We’ve started decorating for Christmas a bit early this year, so the weather seems suitable! I’ll share some pictures of our Christmas decorations and our little tree in a few days.

Go here to see the rest of the photos I’ve taken at this conservation area. There wasn’t snow yet last November!

Do you have snow yet? I’d love to see a photo if you do!

Weekending, extended edition.




I had a few days off from school at the beginning of this week, and I’ve spent the longer weekend visiting my parents. Winter seems to have made its first true appearance, so I spent most of my time indoors with a cup of tea, frantically knitting Christmas gifts… More to come later this week.

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and are enjoying the snow if you got some!


Quite a collection of iPhone snapshots for you today. For more, follow me on Instagram @kyliem_w!


So much snow!

New stuff on the wall instead of the paper snowflakes! (Maybe this will encourage some warmer weather?)

Clothes shopping… does anyone else hate trying on clothes? I wish everything just fit and I could just pick out what I liked!

Student union building in the snow.

On my way back from Romni.

Craft club on Valentine’s Day.

Poker night with the family… we are strange!

Shooting recipes for the blog… keep reading in the next few weeks to see them!

Scrabble at home!

Happy Friday!

life rearranged