
I haven’t shared any Instagram shots here for a few weeks, so it’s about time for another Insta-Friday! I’m going to be quieter on the blog for the next week or so because it’s the end of term, so there are final papers and exams, and I only have so many hours in a day! I have, however, started drafting my year-in-review series (last year’s), which I’m pretty excited about! I think I’ll be publishing it in 3 parts beginning on December 28th.

You can follow me on Instagram @kyliem_w for more phone snapshots!

Last bit of fall. All of the leaves are gone now.

Sunday brunch!

First of the Christmas decorations.

Walking with some friends on Sunday morning.

Quite a bit of snow here lately!

I’ll be returning to my corner in the library now… I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Linking up with Insta-Friday as usual!


Sharing my Instagram snapshots today. For more throughout the week, follow me on Instagram @Kyliem_w.

Salad… one of our new favourite dressings is this one. Perfect with mixed greens.

Sherman! He’s 7 months old now (what?!) and he is still adorable!

Mango Tea Lemonade from a local cafe… perfect for summer.

Fireworks for Canada Day.

Our city does this thing where they show movies on a huge screen outside during the summer. It’s free and lots of fun. G and I went and saw Sleepless in Seattle last night.

I hope you all have a fantastic Friday!


Sharing some phone shots today. Follow me on Instagram @kyliem_w for more!


Spring rain… great for the garden!


Making Angel Food Cake with G.

Salad with breaded tofu. It was my first time cooking with tofu and it turned out pretty well!

Sunset ceremony.

Skyhawk parachuters at the Sunset Ceremony.

McKenzie Tower.

One of my favourite places!

Flowers in the garden centre!

My old dog.

Dinner tonight.

Have an awesome weekend!

life rearranged


A few photos to share this Friday. Follow me on Instagram @kyliem_w for more throughout the week.

Cafeteria at my university… It’s hard to believe I’ll only be eating in here for one more week!

Lots of time at the library this week. Thankfully the view from the fifth floor is pretty great.

Spring tea… yum!

Blurry, but isn’t he the cutest?

Pumpkin muffins… in totally the wrong season. They were delicious, I’ll share more about the recipe in the days to come.

My parents live right beside a conservation area… as much as I love the big city, I’ve definitely missed this and I’m looking forward to a summer here!

Have a great weekend!

life rearranged


Follow me on Instagram @Kyliem_w for more.

Spring is coming… (notice the lack of snow!)

Bright paper flowers to encourage the warmer weather.

I am SO happy that the sun is setting later and later. I was walking home around 7:30 and the sun was just setting. So lovely.

Tuesday afternoon at the museum.

Totem pole staircase at the museum… I actually love the Canada wing, it’s one of my favourites. Apparently it’s not very popular though as it’s always very quiet. Antiquities and biodiversity are usually very busy… interesting.

Aftermath of crafting at craft club today!

I hope you are all having a great week… happy Friday!

life rearranged


Did you see the recipe I posted on Tuesday? It’s the first one I’ve published here so I’m pretty excited about it.

Sharing some quick Instagram shots today. Happy Friday!


My beautiful dog… I’ll get to see him again in just a few weeks!

Weekly craft club… making tissue paper flowers. And having tea, of course.

Rainy night… I took this at about 8:00pm and it had just gotten dark. I am so happy that it’s brighter in the evenings!

An afternoon of tea and crime and punishment!

Late night sushi (for when you forget to have dinner because you’re writing a history paper…)

Studying classics. Exams are only 3 weeks away so it’s getting close to crunch time!

The first day of spring… more like still winter!

Follow me on Instagram @kyliem_w for more throughout the week!

life rearranged


Quite a collection of iPhone snapshots for you today. For more, follow me on Instagram @kyliem_w!


So much snow!

New stuff on the wall instead of the paper snowflakes! (Maybe this will encourage some warmer weather?)

Clothes shopping… does anyone else hate trying on clothes? I wish everything just fit and I could just pick out what I liked!

Student union building in the snow.

On my way back from Romni.

Craft club on Valentine’s Day.

Poker night with the family… we are strange!

Shooting recipes for the blog… keep reading in the next few weeks to see them!

Scrabble at home!

Happy Friday!

life rearranged


Photos snapped with my iPhone on the go. Follow me on Instagram @KylieM_W for more.

Not finished with snow and winter yet. In fact, there’s a bit of a blizzard happening while I type this.

More snow.

Beautiful afternoon.

Craft club last week, paper quilling. Loads of fun. I posted about this week’s craft club yesterday!

Intense math study sessions at Starbucks.

The view from the 14th floor of the library.

Working (very slowly!) on my business casual socks for the KAL (Rav Link).

Happy Friday.


Sharing some quick iPhone shots today… lots of city-scapes, I guess you appreciate a city more when you’ve been away! For more, follow me on Instagram @kyliem_w!


A late night trip to Koreatown!


We came across this very cool light statue in Koreatown… it’s huge!


Late nights with Calculus and hot chocolate.

Chocolate makes everything better. (Even calculus)


Walking home from class.


Lovely afternoon in the park!


It’s been freezing here (around -20 with the wind chill) for about a week… at least there’s snow!


Swoosh! Waiting for the subway. (I have only recently started calling it the subway… people here look at you funny when you call it the metro… force of habit!)


Looking up.




I wasn’t kidding about the snow! Fortunately it slowed down a bit after this.


Early moon and the sunset!

life rearranged


It’s been a few weeks so I’ve got some pictures to share today. Enjoy.

1- Night downtown before leaving for Christmas
2- Stuck on the DVP (as always)… a chance to take photos!
3- Christmas tree
4- So much snow after Christmas!
5- And even more after new year’s!
6- Clean desk after getting back… it’ll probably never be this neat again!
7- Household apple problem?
8- Walking back from class
9- Across the park

Have a great day!