Books I love

This page features a rotating list of some of my favourite books. Each is linked to Amazon, where I am an affiliate. I receive a small commission on sales made through these links. These commissions help keep me blogging and designing and help me put myself through university, so I appreciate each and every one!



One thought on “Books I love

  1. Oh, some new books to think about (I’m a total book nut, both professionally–I’m a historian of Latin America–and personally). Couple of my favorite novels from the past few years are Ivey, *The Snow Child* and also *The Tiger’s Wife* (forget the author), and *The Elegance of the Hedgehog* (sorry, forgot the author again). Oh, but the best novel of the 20th century has to be Garcia Marquez,*One Hundred Years of Solitude*. Just my two cents. Never can seem to keep quiet about books…

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